Monday 8 April 2024

Sex difference is aesthetics - appeals to biology are reasonable but do not do, finally

It's impossible for certain behaviors, mannerisms, personalities, or preferences to not "match" your sex. To believe otherwise is regressive, sexist, pseudoscientific nonsense.

What science tells us about sex difference is important. But science is not self-legitimating.

It provides information to support that there is a stable reproduction through generations of two kinds of human, which are called male and female.

But awareness of sex difference is prior to any science account. I think it is a basis for the faculty of reasoning per se.

Awareness that our bodies give us reproductive potential is fundamental, and we cannot but be affected by that awareness. It strikes me that cultures of how we present ourselves were always co-present with awareness of reproductive potential.

I don’t think there is a culture of presentation in other primates. But pairing occurs, and there is competition between males and females.

I notice I just used the words that denote the human types with these different potentialities for sexual reproduction.

But I don’t see gonads, or chromosomes or distinct things, I see a complete individual here and a complete individual there and I note differences and associate the differences with reproductive potential, which I might share.